Participation of Uzbek delegation in the International Seminar-training on Quality Assurance in Education
As you know, in accordance with the joint decisions dated 07.04. 2022 by the State Inspectorate Suervision for Quality Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan in cooperation with Shbeemann consulting company , the program "Internal and External Quality Assurance" is carried out. This week, along with the heads of organizations mentioned above, the representatives of 6 higher education institutions are participating in an educational seminar organized within the project in Vilnius, Lithuania. The representative of "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers"National Research University, Associate Professor V.B. Guzal Eshchanova also is taking part in this educational seminar.
The purpose of the visit of a group of the Uzbek delegation of our country:
- Establish partnership relations with the Lithuanian Center for Quality Assessment in Higher Education SKVC ;
- Studying the international experience of representatives of the Latvian Quality Assurance Agency and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania ;
- Development of the content and importance of International Accreditation of for Uzbek higher education institutions;
- Exchange of ideas on further improving the quality of higher education between two countries, developing opportunities such as exchange of education, exchange of students and profesor-teachers and academic mobility as well;
- Evaluation of training programs, study of approaches to the recognition of Foreign Qualification skills, improvement of joint educational programs;
- Studying the best practices of the European Standards and Recommendations (ESG), Vytautas Magnus University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Mykolas Romeris University to study in detail the highest results achieved in terms of educational and research activities and study programs.
Intensive negotiations were held on their effective implementation in educational institutions in Uzbekistan. A number of fruitful meetings are also being held aimed at establishing partnerships to achieve the highest results by Uzbek higher education institutions in the international university rankings QS (World University Rankings) and THE (Times Higher Education).
Such authoritative international training seminars aimed at the modernization of education with the participation of international and national experts will undoubtedly serve as the basis for the further internationalization of Uzbek Higher Educational Institutions.
Press Service of University