Participate in the 2nd International Summer School WEFCA -2023
Sustainability assessment of the water–energy–food-environment nexus for irrigated agriculture: Interdisciplinary approaches for Central Asia (WEFCA)
– 2nd International Summer School 2023 –
Aim: The summer school aims to strengthen professional capacities of participants to adopt a water–energy–food–environment (WEFE) nexus approach to meet multiple sustainable development goals and support inclusive development in Central Asia and beyond. The training will focus on sharing advanced methods for conducting sustainability assessment of the WEFE nexus, integrating the notions of ecosystem services, resource use efficiency, long-term soil quality maintenance, human health and economic viability using empirical examples from Central Asia (CA) and Afghanistan.
Target Participants: The summer school brings together talented early–career scientists (PhDs and Post-docs) conducting research on natural or social sciences in CA to stimulate intraregional research cooperation. Interested candidates from universities and research institutions in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan as well as in Germany are encouraged to apply. The maximum number of participants is 25. The course language is English.
Date and Location: The summer school is planned for five days during the period 21 – 25 August 2023 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. It will be hosted by “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers National Research University” National Research University (“TIIAME” NRU).
Application Deadline is June 30, 2023. Successful applicants will be offered fellowships covering travel, visa fees (if required), food and accommodation.
Application: Interested researchers should send their application documents in English language by e-mail (1 single pdf-file, max. 3 MB) to Dr. Shavkat Kenjabaev at The participants are selected via group evaluation
Full information about 2nd International Summer School 2023 is here.