Online lecture was organized at our university in cooperation with Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Germany)
On March 12, 2024 teachers and students of “Economics” Faculty of ‘TIIAME” National Research University were invited to "Climate change and the importance of climate change mitigation" online lecture within the framework of the international project VEGERA, funded by the International Climate Initiative in cooperation with Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development. Deputy deans of faculties, teachers and students of university took an active part in the event. The online lecture was held in English language and the online lecture was conducted by the coordinators of VEGERA and KonCoop projects in Germany, Dilfuza Yuldasheva from the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development and Nafisa Mirzojamshedzoda from the University of Friborg. During the online lecture, our invited international partners used different interactive methods, questionnaires and modern approaches,which were really interesting to all participants. The online lecture was very supportive as all participants could get fully answers to their questions.
In addition, the participants of the event were provided with brief information about the stages and current plans of the International Project VEGERA, where our university members are tking part. Eshchanova G., Associate Professor of “English Language” Department and A.Berdymurodov helped in organizing this event at university. Teachers of “English Language” Department also took an active part in the event.
The purpose of the event was to exchange views on issues such as climate change in Central Asia, the human factor in climate change and the role of economics in such activities. Students received complete answers to their questions from the lecturers.
We hope that our students' knowledge and experience gained through international lectures like this will motivate them to take advantage of opportunities to participate in international projects to solve current problems in their fields and study in developed countries such as Germany in near future.