On October 12, 2023 there was held the opening of the 4th International Conference on "Energy, Construction and Agricultural Engineering"
On October 12, 2023 there was held the opening of the 4th International Conference on "Energy, Construction and Agricultural Engineering". It is important to mention about the partners, who closely supported in organizing International Conference at a high level:
-University Malaysia Perlis
- Cracow University of Technology, Poland
- University of Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
- Karabuk University of Turkey
- Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
- Institute of energy problems
- Ecological Party
- Virginia Institute of Technology for Advanced Studies, USA .
While opening the ceremony, rector Prof. Bakhadir Mirzaev welcomed all guests, expressed his deep gratitude for all conference particpants and wished good luck to everyone.
It is worthy to admit that for participating at the conference, the articles were submitted in the field of Energy, Construction and Agriculture, which were received from different countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Poland, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Slovakia, Peru, Turkey, Spain, Egypt, USA, India, Vietnam, UK , Iraq, Jordan, Bangladesh, Japan, Syria, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. More than 290 scientific articles, reflecting the scientific and practical activities of scientists from 22 countries were accepted, from which 120 scientific articles were selected to the conference, that proved the high-interest of researchers in participating at conference.
It should be noted that the speakers of the conference were Professor Muryanto Amin, Rector of the Indonesian University of Sumatera Utara, Professor Saifur Rahman, Director of the Virginia Tech, USA, Professor Zaliman Sauli, Vice-Chancellor of university of Malaysia Perlis, Vice-Rector of Karabuk University, Turkie, Professor Ismail Rakip and others took participation in scientific lectures in the areas of Agricultural Engineering.