New Uzbekistan with New education
According to the Concept of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 “determine the priority areas of systemic reform of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan, to raise to a qualitatively new level the process of preparing independently thinking, highly qualified personnel with modern knowledge and high spiritual and moral qualities, to modernize higher education, develop the social sphere and economic sectors based on advanced educational technologies” On December 3, 2013, "Hydromelioration" Faculty, Irrigation, and land reclamation Department of the Karshi branch of TIIAME conducted a mobility lesson in the Binar method integrating universities and manufacturing organizations. It was held at the Dostlik 1,2,3 pumping station with the participation of students of the group 314,315 of the direction "the use of hydraulic structures and pumping stations.
During this lesson, students consolidated their theoretical knowledge with practical processes, got acquainted with a modern pumping station, and developed skills by studying the achievements and shortcomings in the field of water management.
Information of the Branch
Press service of TIIAME