

Negotiations before International Forum

It is true that after transforming to "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" National Research University, there have been significant renewals in all areas. With this in mind, two women's events in February and March are considered as equal events. One of them is the 1st International Online Forum February 11-"THREE GENERATION OF WOMEN SCHOLARS" dedicated to International Women's in Science and the other is March 8 - International Women's Day in the Art Hall of our University. It is planned to hold a festive event under the slogan “Muqaddas ayol”.

In this regard,  at our university a meeting was held chaired by the First Vice-Rector on spiritual affairs prof. Ruzimurat Choriev. It was attended by deputy deans of faculties and other officials. The participants offered suggestions and recommendations on how to conduct both events at a high level. The first event will be online and the second in offline regimes. 

University Press Service