Monthly physical education at school
The main task of all educational institutions operating today in our country is not only the education of the younger generation, but also the training of innovative and creative thinking, modern personnel, the education of young people in the spirit of patriotism and high spirituality. It has become a tradition to designate each month as Science Month in a specific subject, in order to speed up the in-depth study of subjects in the schools where the educational institutions are based.The basic doctoral students of the Department of "Electrotechnology and the use of electrical equipment" Yusupov Sh., Botirov A., Akbarov D., Aitbaev N. and Sultanov S. visited secondary school N. 10 of the Piskent district of the Tashkent region on February 21, 2022. physical culture, and this month a number of sports events and model classes have been organized in order to effectively organize the physical training of students, their strict adherence to a healthy lifestyle.There was also an active participation of graduates in physical education classes. It is noted that students fulfill the established regulatory requirements. During the visit, a volleyball tournament was organized among the students.
Press service of the university