

Modern problems of agriculture and water resources with the eyes of youth 

   On May 12, 2023 with the aim of discussing and popularizing the results of scientific research, paarticularly by young scientists, undergraduates and gifted students in the field of solving modern problems of agriculture and water resources, improving the scientific, methodological and legal foundations and training personnel, there was given a start to the traditional XXII - scientific and practical conference of young scientists, graduate students and talented students on the topic "Modern problems of agriculture and water resources". The conference was opened by Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of University prof.T. Sultanov. At present time the research findings based on the conducted experiments at University, aimed at developing the field of scientific and innovative research and increasing the activity of young people in this area. In particular, with the support of university teachers, a number of scientific papers submitted  with the participation of students is being increased from year to year, and certain results are being achieved.



Over the past three years, in the Republican Scientific Olympiad "Production and Safety of Technological Processes", 19 university students took the st place, 20  students received the second place, 9 students received the 3rd place and one student became the owner of the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, one student received Scholarship named after Islam Karimov, one student received the Scholarships named after A. Navoi, three students received Scholarships named after Beruni,the total amount of which shows more than 285.37 million soums. In addition, in order to increase the interest of students and undergraduates on scientific and innovative activities, the support of new initiatives on spiritual and educational, creative work and organizing their leisure time, different competitions are being organized.

 Press Service of National Research University “TIIAME”