

In memory of the great Uzbek son

             Today active, talented, and creative students of the "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" national research university OMWR, LM, HTC, ESAWR, HM faculties visited "The Alley of Literatteurs". The main purpose is to commemorate the poet Abdulla Oripov, the author of the national anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who passed away on November 5. In this regard, a spiritual and educational event was held on the theme "Remembering the Master" under the leadership of the deputy dean of the faculty of LM and the tutors of the university faculties at the statue of Abdulla Oripov. The deputy dean of the faculty of LM opened the event, H. Eshova. M. Vafoyeva, the tutor of OMWR Faculty, spoke about the unique creative life of Abdulla Oripov, who lived for 76 years. Students recited the poet's famous poem "Why I love Uzbekistan" together.

             After that, HM faculty tutor O'. Usmanov spoke and praised Abdulla Oripov, a famous poet and public figure who made a great contribution to the development of Uzbek literature, whose meaningful life and social activities raised the spirituality of our nation, as well as being considered one of the people who fought for the spiritual independence of our nation. At the end of the event, students read the poem "Mehribonim Onam" written by Khalilov Jawahir, a student of group 108  of the faculty of "ESAWR", inspired by the poem "Mother" by the master poet.

            "TIIAME" National Research University Press Service