

Memorandum on cooperation

     A group of professors and teachers led by the rector of "TIIAME"  National Research University Bakhodir Suyunovich Mirzaev, vice-rector for academic affairs Bakhtiyor Khudoyarov, dean of the faculty of "Hydro reclamation" Alisher Fatullayev visited the specialized state comprehensive school N. 4 of  Nurafshan city. 

























 School director Shoira Erkinovna greeted the visitors. We came with a variety of technical equipment created by our students. The school hall was filled with primary education teachers and directors of some schools in Nurafshan.Nilufar Yuldasheva, Dilrabo Mukimova, Durdona Mustafaeva delivered masterclasses,  in particular, classes of R. Jumaniyazov and University psychologist Muhayo Mukhammedova were well evaluated.

























Then the rector visited the classroom for Physics subject and had a conversation  with the 11th-grade students. It is true that students have a dream to the university. There was organized differnt games for pupils. Clever and resourceful students were presented with books, sports equipment, and various gifts from our university.























































































































At the end of the event, the memorandum of cooperation was signed between the two educational institutions.

                                                                                                                                                                               Press Service of University