

Material and Technical base of the university is being expanded

     At “Irrigation and Land Reclamation”Depatment of university, a “Reclamation Mobile Laboratory”, there was created a “Reclamation Mobile Laboratory”, on the basis of the Gazelle car, which was equipped with high-precision digital laboratory equipment.

   The following studies can be carried out in the “Reclamation Mobile Laboratory”

 determination of the water-physical properties of the soil of an irrigated field - density, water permeability, moisture capacity;

determination of soil salinity level;

determination of temperature, humidity and soil pH values ​​by layer;

determination of soil fertility ;

determination of the slope of irrigation networks and irrigated lands;

installation of observation wells to determine the level and mineralization of groundwater;

determination of the main indicators of water resources (velocity, flow, salinity and turbidity);

determining the timing of crop watering;

determination of irrigation norms for agricultural crops.