

"Magic snowflakes"

On December 20 of the current year, the University Psychologist M.K. Mukhamedova conducted a training session on the "New Year fairy tale." The event focused on paying special attention to students living in SD, to ensure meaningful leisure time for girls. The purpose of the event is to increase the self-confidence and personal growth of training participants. It was organized to learn how to design a life path, develop self-analysis and self-knowledge skills, and create a comfortable environment in the community.

"New Year is ...for me", "Magic snowflakes", "Self-demonstration", "Holiday Calendars", "Create an expressive image of Me", "Wishes on a snowflake", and " Energizator ”training and game trainings were held. Each participant took an active part in the training actively and learned how to beautifully design their own way of life. 

TIIAME NRU Press Service