

Laboratory equipment was delivered to our University


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       Within the framework of tractors and cars implemented on “Improving the training programs for engineering personnel in agriculture by introducing innovative solutions in foreign universities” program, the following 8 items of laboratory equipment were brought to the discipline “Fundamentals of thermodynamics and heat transfer”.

    Laboratory equipment for determining the thermal conductivity of insulating materials

    Laboratory equipment for the study of heat transfer by radiation

    Laboratory equipment for testing heat exchangers such as "pipe in the pipe" and plate heat exchangers

    Laboratory equipment for studying heat transfer and cooling of liquid in conditions of natural and forced convection when fluid flowing through the pipe

    Laboratory equipment for studying processes in a gas environment

    Laboratory equipment for studying the design and operation of the piston compressor

    Laboratory equipment for studying ventilation systems

    Laboratory equipment for studying various methods of drying materials.



 The specialists of Trimbirt, who delivered equipment for the faculty and auxiliary personnel of the department, were organized 2-day classes. These laboratory equipment play an important role in the further improvement of the quality of classes conducted for students of the faculties of mechanization of hydrodromeliorative work, mechanization of agriculture and energy supply of agriculture and water farming. The possibilities of imported laboratory equipment are wide, and part of the laboratory equipment is planned to be used when teaching such disciplines as “refrigeration and ventilation devices”, “technological devices of drying and canning”


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