Knowledge and speech are the source of Speech-craft.
Communication can be made in two forms - oral and written. It is possible to observe their constant interaction and interpenetration. If language is a means of communication, then speech is a form of communication produced by this tool.
The head of our country pays great attention to the formation of leadership qualities among young people. Young people should have leadership qualities, be able to think logically, freely, and confidently express their thoughts. It is clear that the creators of the Third Renaissance will be a generation with comprehensive knowledge and their own opinion.
At the initiative of the rector of our university, Professor Mirzaev Bakhodir Suyunovich, optional classes on the development of speech art were organized for first-year students of all faculties.
Today, in the lecture hall of the university, with the participation of 1st-year students of the faculties of land management, hydraulic engineering, and energy supply to agriculture and water management was held the first lesson on the topic "Culture of speech and oratory".
"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service