

Internship at the electrical engineering company

On June 21, 2nd-year students of the Department of "Electrical Technology and Operation of Electrical Equipment" of the Faculty of "Energy Supply in Agriculture and Water Resources" visited Elektroapparat to further strengthen their knowledge on the "Installation of electrical equipment".

      They were headed by U.Khaliknazarov, associate professor of "ETvaEJF". The enterprise manager explained to the students the work process at the enterprise. Based on their knowledge and skills, the students received answers to their questions from the employees of the enterprise.

      Ularni "ETvaEJF" kafedrasi dotsenti U.Xaliknazarov boshchilik qildi. Talabalar korxonaga borishgach ularni korxona menejeri  kutub oldi, ularga bu yerdagi ishlarni  tushuntirib o'tishdi. O'quvchilar o'zlari olgan bilimlari, ko'nikmalardan kelib chiqgan holda korxona ishchilaridan o'zlari qiziqqan   savollariga birin - ketin javob olishdi.           

        "TIIAME" National Research University Press Service