The intelligent youth of "ESAWR"
We all know that Zakovat is an intellectual TV game that has been running since 2001. Its founder and leader is Abdurasul Abdullayev. This intellectual game is becoming more and more popular today. It is no secret that even the President pays a lot of attention to this game. In our higher education institution, the "Zakovat" games are gradually being held. On April 14, 2022, at the initiative of the leadership of the staff, tutors, and the leader of the Youth Union A.Ubaydullayev among the first and second stage students of the faculty "Energy supply of agriculture and water management" in the Student dormitory No.3 was held "Zakovat" intellectual contest. There was a fierce and interesting battle among smart students.
The winning teams were awarded souvenirs and diplomas. We congratulate them on their victory!
We wish for the expansion of the ranks of our intelligent, knowledgeable, and aspiring youth! We invite all our students to contribute to the development of our country with their knowledge!
Information of the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of ESAWR, A. Mutalov
"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service