Integration of education, science and industry and innovative cooperation
It is known to everyone that the ongoing reforms in the education system and wide opportunities, created in this area prove that the integration of education system with industry is a very important issue. In order to ensure the implementation of Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dated December 10, 2021 No. PD-42 “On measures to radically improve the system of training engineers for the economy based on innovation and digitalization”, professor-teachers of “Hydrology and Hydrogeology” Department, visited the Institute of “Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology” on February 18, 2022.
At the meeting senior researcher of the department B. Abdullayev and the director of the Institute K. Mingbaev also participated. Comprehensive measures are being taken to increase the role of scientific research in the socio-economic development of the republic, as well as to deepen the integration of science with education and industry. In the meeting there was mentioned about the favor of continuous improvement the system of education, quality education and training of highly qualified personnel. During the discussion, the head of the department, Ph.D., associate professor. F. Gapparov made an analytical report on the qualification requirements of undergraduate studies, compulsory and optional subjects in the curriculum, study program and curricula. During the discussions, the director of the institute, Ph.D. K. Mingbaev noted that the proposed disciplines and topics are related to industry, and the organization needs engineers in the field of hydrology and reclamation hydrogeology. At the end of the meeting, the Deputy Director of the Institute of “Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology” of the Republic of Uzbekistan F. Akhunov expressed gratitude to the staff of the department.
Press service of the university