

INNO WEEK 2023: Signing Memorandum of Understanding between the European Start up Campus “Startup Incubator and Innovation Center” and our university

It is known to everyone that on October 17-20, 2023 within the framework of “INNO WEEK.UZ-2023: Innovative Ideas Week”, organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, where the representatives of International and National Higher Educational Institutions and specialists from different organizations regarding Education, Research and Innovation spheres are taking part.


It is important to suggest that on October 19, 2023, there was organized the event, where the Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the European Start up Campus “Startup Incubator and Innovation Center” and “TIIAME” National Research University.

At the meeting, the rector of “TIIAME” National Research University Prof. Mirzaev Bakhadir Suyunovich, Zoltan Galla, Head European Start up Campus “Startup Incubator and Innovation Center”, Hungary, Jana Legtenborg, Head of Business Development and project manager of TUM International GmbH, Germany, Zsolt Istvan, FIEK Miskolci University, Head of R&D&I Management , Okhunzhon Sayfuddinov, a project manager Startup Campus, Head of the International Department docent Sherzod Rakhmonov, Associate Professors of our university Ezoz Ozodov and Guzal Eschanova took part.


What is more interesting, the representatives of European Start up Campus “Startup Incubator and Innovation Center” provided a detailed information about opportunities introduced a number of programs, planned for the implementation in capital city Tashkent, including InnoGen Program 2024 (access to the Top European Start up Incubator platforms, competitions for Business plan creators, exchange of researchers) and Enterprize Europe network Network membership.

During the event, the presentations of both sides were heard, mutual discussions were held, new ideas and specific proposals for their further improvement were also suggested.


Certainly, during the discussions it was informed that a large number of students including talented youth and researchers from our university took part in competitions with more than 15 scientific development s, inventions and start up project, who were awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

We believe that such prestigious international events as “INNOWEEK2023­- Innovative Ideas Week”, organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan could give a very good opportunity to establish and strengthen the cooperation between HEIs of Uzbekistan and overseas, including enterprises and relevant organizations, that open the doors for huge opportunities in the global arena.