

An informative event with partners in the field of agriculture and water technology

Partner companies and organizations participating in the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, including JSC "Uzagroservis", Pulatov H. (Head of Department), "UzKlaasAGRO" JV LLC, Babayev H. (Chief Engineer), "UzKlaasservis" LLC, Rakhmatullayev H. (Head of Service Department), Center for Certification and Testing of Agricultural Machinery and Technology, Toliboyev A. (Deputy Director), JSC "Main Special Design Bureau - Agromash", Pulatov A. (Director of Technical Supervision), Association of Asian Consulting Companies Aslovov A. (Head of Agrosector), "Grant Ecomir", Isroilov I. (Technologist). Leaders and specialists of the above organizations provided their suggestions and opinions on the development of qualification requirements, curricula, and programs in the field of education and specialties. It was agreed to further develop the process of transfer of scientific developments with partner organizations and enterprises, as well as to continue closer cooperation in research and innovation.



"TIIAME" National Research University Press service