The importance of praxis in training highly qualified software engineers
It is important to suggest that by the initiatives of the Head of "Mechanics and computer modeling"Department Mirsaidov M. and the associate professor Toshmatov E. there was organized the training with the purpose of training highly-qualified engineers, which was held within the duration of July 26-27, 2023 period at LLC "Techno CONTINENTAL" Artel, where the students of university took part including the authority of the organization. During the internship, students had the opportunity to control the operation of digitized large mechanical machines at Thermoplast department, which gave an opportunity to monitor through the process via screen, the production of refrigerators and washing machines from powder raw materials imported from abroad, which was helpful in analyzing and investigating the development of plastic processing equipment. It must be mentioned that three times meals were provided to the training participants as well as transportation services.
This event opened the door for strengthening cooperation in the future between two organizations which will lead to the creating working places for university graduates.
Press Service of “TIIAME” National Research University