

The importance of oratory skills

    It is important to mention that the possession of oratory skills, vivid speeches help everyone to work successfully, develop self-confidence and ability to clearly structure thoughts. Definitely,  course "Oratory" started on the initiative of our rector, Professor Mirzaev Bakhodir Suyunovich and has been operating since the beginning of the academic year. There was held an event in the auditorium of "Turonbank". The students firstly  showed a 3-minute Oscar-winning cartoon titled "Kindness". The students were asked to name this cartoon according to their idea. The goal is to teach to convey their point of view. Many students were encouraged for active participation. Then the game "Soul" was held with the students. This game requires a lot of attention from students. Students got to know each other, remembering the place of birth, the name of the month.




                                                      Press Service of “TIIAME”

                                                      National Research University