

"I LOVE UNIVERSITY" Saturday evening

On February 12 this year, in order to spend free time of students in the framework of five important initiatives of the President, the Dean of the Faculty of "Agricultural Mechanization" K.Shavazov, the leader of the Youth Union J. Khojamkulov, and the Dean for Youth Affairs Deputy Chairman A.Borotov held a Saturday evening under the motto "I LOVE UNIVERSITY" for young people who miss our university during the holidays. 


On February 12 this year, in order to spend free time of students in the framework of five important initiatives of the President, the Dean of the Faculty of "Agricultural Mechanization" K.Shavazov, the leader of the Youth Union J. Khojamkulov, and the Dean for Youth Affairs Deputy Chairman A.Borotov held a Saturday evening under the motto "I LOVE UNIVERSITY" for young people who miss our university during the holidays. The program included a poetry evening dedicated to the births of Zahriddin Muhammad Babur and Alisher Navoi, a "delicious checkers" competition, a "mosaic" competition, and "table tennis" games. The boys and girls of the faculty took an active part and spent their free time meaningfully. Students who showed their talent and won competitions were awarded.

Leader of the Youth Union J.Khojamkulov

"TIIAME" NRU press service


Yoshlar  ittifoqi  yetakchisi J.Xo'jamqulov

"TIQXMMI" MTU matbuot hizmati