

Honesty and criminalism

        On December 16, 2022, the tutor of the university and the representative of State Customs Committee,  Kh.R. Saidova, the university psychologist M.K.Mukhammedova, organized a seminar-training  on the tpoc "Honesty and criminalism". H.R. Saidov, a teacher of  "Technical Education and Culture" Faculty, expressed in speech: "Criminal behavior is considered as one of the dangerous behavior for society. So, the main reason of why our society is struggling with crime is protection oneself from danger. After all, if the any type of dangerous crime comes from within society, it will be much more difficult to fight against crime.Therefore, a good legislator should think not about punishing a crime, but about preventing a crime, it is important to apply more efforts to improve morality before punishment," were mentioned as well. University psychologist M.K. Mukhammedova said that the creation of an effective system for coordinating the prevention and fight against crime, the introduction of modern organizational and legal mechanisms- considered as one of the pressing issues of our country today. The Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle recognized in their treatises that "the prevention of crime is more important than the policy of punishing the criminality." 


    Press Service of “TIIAME”

National Research University