Harmony of theory and practice in part time learning
While studying in part-time, students are more responsible for the requests and proposals of classes, since they work directly in enterprizes. On December 16, 2021, the National Research University of Tajikistan and the Center for Hydrometeorological Services completed the internship at Uzhydromet on monitoring the process of obtaining climate data and maintaining a water cadastre within the framework of "Cooperation" program. On the basis of the agreement between industrial enterprises 5 + 1 and universities, students of the Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering in the field of operation of hydraulic structures and pumping stations, visited the Main Department of Hydrometeorology of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Under the leadership of O. Rozikulova, the meteorological station of Tashkent Observatory, which has the highest absolute altitude in Tashkent was visited: air temperature; measuring the amount of snow and rain; practical skills in working with meteorological data such as wind direction and strength. The aim of the tour was to get an idea of the process of collecting and analyzing data on climate and water at the meteorological station itself, as well as the process of maintaining a water cadastre. During the excursion, hydrometeorologist Imomnazarov Farrukh and Sidorova Svetlana showed temperature measurements at the meteorological station of Tashkent Observatory according to climatic data: soil moisture up to 20, 30, 40, 80 cm and up to 3 meters. Students were introduced to the use of rain and snow sensors. The processes of obtaining the lowest, maximum and average temperature were shown in measurements of air and soil temperatures.
Press Service of “TIIAME” NRU