

With a Great Appreciation to our teachers!

     It is important to suggest that in recent years due to educational reforms that are being held in our country, one of the main goals is improving such spheres as Science and Education a priority of State policy. We know that from the early period of life till reaching adulthood, as learners we always were surrounded by teachers, who give us deep knowledge on different areas. The gained knowledge from teachers support s everywhere in finding our right way and in finding solutions to the challenges that everyone may face in life. We understand the responsibility of our teachers in the teaching process and wish them good luck.Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Samiev Lukmon Naimovich is one of the teachers, who pays special attention to their profession.He is the organizer and leader of the ‘HydroLeaders” team, which has won a number of projects across the country and achieved various achievements. Till today, he is advising and mentoring a number of talented students pursuing scientific inventions in “HydroLeaders” team. As one of the experienced teachers teacher, we can admit that Samiev Lukmon Naimovich  always supports learners, who gained  respect for his hard work and assists researchers of the faculty. Let us congratulate our Teacher on behalf of our team and wish him all the best wishes in the world.

Press Service of “TIIAME” National Research University