

The formation of the written language

    On March 2, 2023, the following lesson of the training course "Speaking Skills" At the beginning, the students listened to the speech of Sardar Sattorov, a specialist in the art of public speaking. There was raised the question by S. Sattorov "Is fate written for a person, or does a person create his own fate with his own hands?" answered the question. Then the teacher Rakhimboy Jumaniyazov expressed his opinion and then continued with the topic “How is written speech formed?” by adding that speech can be formed in two ways - oral and written.

 As the teacher said, “Writing is a system of auxiliary signs created by people, which is used to correct the spoken language. On the other hand, writing is an independent communicative system that performs the function of strengthening oral speech. Written speech allows the assimilation of knowledge accumulated by a person. Based on these thoughts, the students in the audience analyzed an article written jointly with the teacher Rakhimboy Djumaniozov. The lesson was very supportive. Taking this opportunity, on behalf of all students, we would like to thank the enthusiastic teacher and Sardar Satorov!

Press Service of  National research University "TIIAME"