For the first time in the history of the university- an opportunity for studying with students from Colorado State University (CSU)
As a part of a joint project between CSU (USA) and “TIIAME” National Research University (Uzbekistan), there is an opportunity for students from the two countries will get knowledge on joint program by studying the subjects using the methodology of the American university. Full subject name : CIVE 480A4: "Global water problems".The purpose of science: to prepare the future generation of engineers, which will lead to finding the solutions of global water problems?
Days / time of classes, subjects: Tuesday and Thursday according to the class schedule
Professors-teachers: Professor CSU (USA) Dr. Pinar Omur-Ozbek and Professors-teachers are recruited from Uzbek and Central Asian universities
Discipline Description: A new generation of engineers in an interconnected world, with the skills to understand global water issues, collaborate with international partners, and develop optimal solutions to problems in the context of different cultural societies. This discipline provides a framework for the development of intercultural skills in engineering and environmental sciences, taking into account social, political, economic and technological differences in areas, such as water resources and quality management, natural/waste water treatment and environmental sustainability.While studying the subject, students can interact with students and professors at Colorado State University, as well as partner institutions of higher education in Central Asia. This subject may open doors for future studies or research for students interested in learning from international experiences.
This subject is allocated 3 credits and is included in the curriculum as an elective engineering course. Students are requested to be 4-course undergraduate or graduate students to register for this course.
Learning objectives for mastering this subject:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
Enable to understand global water issues;
Enable to compile a list of global water problems, predicted for the coming decades;
Study, compare and interpret the world's existing rules in the field of water supply, sanitation and water management;
Understand and compare approaches to developing clean water and sanitation systems across countries
Understand and compare existing water management and sanitation technologies around the world.
Students will be able to express and analyze country-specific approaches to water supply, sanitation and water resources management.
Assessment components:
* Homework - 30%
* Participation and comments in discussions in the audience - 20%
* Group project work and presentation - 30%
* Final control work- 20%
2. Practical work:
3. Group projects:
4. Considerations.
Students that are planning to study this subject are asked to contact the Dean of “ Hydro melioration” Faculty (Fatkhullaev Alisher) and “International Relations” Department (Rakhmanov Sherzod , mobile phone +9989 97-703-09-92)
Students are requested to choose the subject CIVE 480A4: «Global water problems» in HEMIS
Textbooks/Course Materials: Journal articles, reports and other similar resources are provided to students.