

The finalization of Intellectual games

    Due to the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan N. PD-96 dated 20.01.2022, during 2022-2023 academic year, a series of intellectual games "Zakovat" were organized among the first year students of our university. In total, 29 teams took part in the organized games.The games were held in a high level. According to the final results: the team "Future Lawyers" of “Ecology and Law”Faculty  took the 4th place; The team "The boys" of  “Economics” Faculty took the 3rd place; the team "Together is better" of “Economics” Faculty received the  2nd place, the team "Young Hydrologist" of  “Hydroreclamation” faculty took the1st place. All winners were awarded with a certain amount of money at the ceremony organized on June 7, 2023.The rector of University prof.Bakhodir Mirzaev took part in the event and sincerely congratulated the winners-talented students and wished them good luck and success in their future activities.

1st place - 2 million soums for each team member;

2nd place - 1.5 million soums for each team member;

3rd place - 1 million soums for each team member;

Each member of the team that took the 4th place was awarded with 500,000 soums and diplomas.

We sincerely congratulate winners and wish them great success in their studies and work.

Press Service of National Research University “TIIAME”