The essence of the Moral code
One of the priorities today is to strengthen the activities of women in society in the political, social, economic, and labor spheres, to protect their rights and interests. Today's event was dedicated to the protection of the rights of female students, the development of their spiritual, intellectual, and professional experience, legal literacy, and culture. H.Eshova, Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs of the Faculty of Land Management, Z.Khafizova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Land Use, M.Muhamedova, University Psychologist took part in it. At this event, they explained "The essence of Moral Code". The event also provided a number of suggestions and recommendations for the establishment of a circle of talented girls, participation in the nomination of talented girls for the "Zulfiya" and other prestigious state awards. At the same time, systematic work is planned to promote a healthy lifestyle in the family, to avoid harmful habits, to improve the reproductive health of students, to protect motherhood and childhood, to increase students' interest in culture and sports.
Information of the senior teacher of the "Land use" department, Z.Khafizova
University Press Service