Educational-searching-exploratory practice for the 1-year students
With the aim of effectively organizing the educational-searching-exploratory practice for the 1-year students- 107, 108,109 groups of educational areas “Meliorative hydrogeology”, “River and reservoirs”, during the week they were acquainted with the activities of various organizations. On the second day of the internship, the head of the department Gapparov F. gave information about the laboratories available at university, a miniature model of Topalang reservoir, a weather station.
On the second day, the activities of the organization were presented, during this process a meeting was held with the UN Special Representative for Food Safety, the director of the organization A.Urazkeldiyev, the head of the Laboratory for the integrated use of water M. Ikramova’s resources. On the third day, a visit was made to the Naiman hydroelectric power station, which belongs to the Chirchik-Okhangaron (the headquarters and the testing ground of the university) and information was given on specialties.
Press Service of University