Digital technologies in Water Resources
According to the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dated July 10, 2020 N.PD-6024 “On approval the concept for the development of Water sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030”, which sets the following tasks as provision of modernization and development of water facilities (with the exception of drinking water and wastewater systems), automation of management large water management facilities based on digital technologies, the widespread introduction of modern technologies. With the aim of accomplishing these tasks, it is important to use efficiently the available water resources, increase crop yields, digitalize irrigation networks, introduce large-scale automatic control and monitor systems for determining the amount of water consumption, and introduce digital information measuring systems, innovative solutions for monitoring and measuring such quantities as water level and flow.
There was organized a trip to the summer school on the Big Fergana Canal by the doctoral students, independent researchers of “Hydraulics and Hydro informatics” Department in order to monitor the practical functioning of modern advanced digital technologies aimed at measuring the amount of water. During the trip, there was conducted field research on the use of digital technologies for measuring water flow using a modern high-precision innovative device Doppler Son Tek S5.
Press Service of “TIIAME” National Research University