Corruption is a threat to the development
“TIIAME” National Research University hosted a legal and moral event entitled “Anti-Corruption Measures”. The event was attended by the First Deputy Prosecutor, General of the Republic of Uzbekistan Artykova Svetlana on the initiative of the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, adopted by the Legislative Chamber on November 24, 2016, approved by the Senate on December 13, 2016, adopted on January 3 , 2017. The content and essence of the Law "On Combating Corruption" are explained on the basis of vital principles. It outlines issues such as monitoring the implementation of anti-corruption measures, assessing the effectiveness of existing organizational, practical and legal mechanisms in this area, improving anti-corruption legislation and improving work in this area, coordinating the work of regional interdepartmental commissions.
In this regard, the first vice-rector of the university B.S. Mirzaev gave brief information about the exemplary and practical work, done in our educational institution: Comprehensive measures have been taken to provide students with legal education in the field of anti-corruption topics have been strengthened in our curricula. The personal responsibility of not only teachers, but also students has been increased. The University has a Department “Anti-Corruption and Compliance - Management of control system”, which is in accordance with the legislation and other regulations, allows timely detection and suppression of corruption risks, conflicts of interest, prevention of violations of law and corruption offenses. The conducts of practical work to eliminate the causes and conditions. At the same time, many preventive measures have been organized among the staff and students of the university. Indeed, the creation of bot "STOPCORRUPTION" also plays a positive role in this regard. First Deputy Prosecutor, General of the Republic of Uzbekistan Artikova Svetlana continued the event with a heartfelt conversation about the roots of corruption, the factors of its occurrence and ways to combat it. She acknowledged that tackling corruption requires a rational system to improve lives and achieve full prosperity, not through heightening fines. Besides that se confirmed the importance of increasing the efficiency of the anti-corruption system in our country, creating a favorable business environment at the highest level, and increasing the country's prestige in the international arena. The event was held in a great mood, in the form of live questions and answers. Svetlana Artikova clearly and concisely answered the questions of professors and young people of our university.
Press Service of “TIIAME”NRU