

Cooperation with professional educational institutions

According to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-5241 of August 31, 2021 "On measures to strengthen the educational process between higher, secondary special and vocational education institutions and the integration of production practices with industry organizations" there were set the tasks towards higher education institutions to provide their attached vocational education institutions with educational and methodological documents (collections of teaching materials, didactic materials, workshops, technological maps, electronic resources, foreign educational, scientific and artistic literature, dictionaries, encyclopedias, newsletters, etc.); to organize internships, seminars, and public lectures on the basis of integration of the educational process.


The Department of "Professional Education and Physical Culture" of the University has signed agreements with a number of professional educational institutions, based on the above ideas and tasks. On January 21, was held an online webinar for teachers of Yangiyul District Vocational School No. 2 on the topic “Pedagogical skills in teaching and the culture of pedagogical communication”. All teachers of vocational schools were involved, they also plan to hold seminars and training with professors and teachers of the department on such topics.

Information of the department "Professional education and physical culture"

Press service of "TIIAME" National Research University