The combination of theory and practice
It is known that the problem of shortage of water resources not only in Uzbekistan, but throughout the world is gaining momentum. The lack of water, which is observed in our country from year to year, has a negative impact on agricultural production. In connection with the limited possibilities for a quantitative increase in the volume of water resources, one of the urgent tasks is to find ways to make the most efficient use of available water resources. The use of modern water-saving technologies is one of the worthy solutions to the problem. The training of specialists in the field of innovative technologies in the water sector began several years ago. There is another important task here, which is to develop practical skills of young people who have deep theoretical knowledge in higher educational institution. One of the first steps completed in the republic together with the joint venture in the form of a limited liability company “MASTER BILDING PRODUCTS”, located in the Jizzakh region. Four students of the final course of the direction “Innovative technologies and their use in water management” of “Hydromelioration” Faculty of “TIIAME” National Research University. Indeed, these days the use of water-saving technologies in our country has become a requirement of the time. The training of qualified personnel in this direction is a requirement of the time. The students were trained by an engineer from Turkey, as well as a designer of drip irrigation systems, Kerem Akdogan. During the classes, explanations were given for each of the elements of the drip irrigation system separately, for all their tasks and functions, as well as for the main qualities that should be paid attention to when designing the system. Along with the employees of the enterprise, students took an active part in the process of installing a drip irrigation system in cotton fields belonging to the Kushkupir cluster located in Khorezm region.
The rector of “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University Prof. Mirzaev Bakhodir Suyunovich presented the students special certificates, prepared by the enterprise for the successful completion of a three-month practice with and wished them success in their future scientific and labor activities.
Press Service of the University