Collaboration as a main factor in developing new ideas and solving problems
In order to effectively organize the qualification practice of students of “Professional Education” Department for 2023/2024 academic year, on March 29, 2024 a cooperative meeting was organized with the heads of production enterprises and organizations, including the following:
Avazov Alisher Saidmuradovich, director of Tashkent College of Geodesy and Cartography
Yusupov Kudratjon Muhammadgadirovich, Head of the Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Tashkent Region
Fazilova Mamura Rozalievna, director of Yangiyol Agrotechnological College
Arandzhiev Abdujabbor Abdugofurovich, director of Buka Agrotechnological College
Shayunusova Nilufar Amankulovna, director of Zangiata Agrotechnological College
Movlanov Olimjon Abdiraupovich (via ZOOM) Head of the Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Kashkadarya region
Yusupova Mohigul Suyunovna (via ZOOM), director of Beshkent Agrotechnological College of Karshi district
Akhmedov Shakhriyor Egamnazarovich (via ZOOM), director of the Agrotechnical College of Koson region
Isaev Bakhtiyor Shukrullaevich (via ZOOM), director of Galasi water management and reclamation technical college
Kalandarov Jamshid Shodmonovich (via ZOOM), director of Romitan Technical Agrotechnological College
Ochilov Askar Adashovich (via ZOOM), director of Gijduvan Agricultural Technology College
Rano Vasyevna Salomova (via ZOOM), deputy head of educational process department
Mamayusupov Safarali Kahramonovich (via ZOOM), director of Kumkurgan Agricultural Technical College of Surkhandarya region
Nazirov Islamiddin Turdievich (via ZOOM), director of the Agrotechnological College named after Denov Khazarbog
Omonov Urol Sherkabil (via ZOOM), director of Technical College of Architecture and Construction of Surkhandarya region
During the event it was suggested that creating an electronic report and an electronic diary would help organize practice more effectively. Leaders and members of a number of organizations actively participated in the round table-talk, the question and answer session was very lively and students received sufficient answers to their questions.