Candidates selected from Mock IELTS are getting preparation for the IELTS exam at “English Club”
On April 2, 2024 candidates who received high results on Mock IELTS held at “Economics” Faculty attended the first class at “English Club”. Let us remind that on March 28, 2024, Mock IELTS (paper-based) was conducted for students of all faculties at our university. The components “Listening” and “Writing” were organized at “Professional Development Center”, opened in cooperation with British Council.The purpose of organizing this international exam is to determine the level of foreign language knowledge of the examinees, focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of the acquired skills of the candidates. 30 candidates took part in this examination.The organizers of Mock IELTS were associate professors of “English Language” department Guzal Eshchanova, Dilbar Usmonova and Nigora Yakubova. At the start of the event, it was emphasized to candidates that developing foreign language skills at present time will further strengthen a promising future. Due to the program, at “English Club” IELTS course students learn IELTS classes on Listening, Reading, Writing and Reading components 3 times a week. Candidates, who achieve high results on Mock IELTS are getting preparation for the IELTS exam at English Club. Participants of this course will have the opportunity to develop English language skills from experienced teachers in a short period of time and improve their level during the course. In addition, the English Club program includes classes on Speaking club, Movie Club, Karaoke club and online webinars as well.
We hope that such approaches will increase the number of talented students at university, help increase the number of international certificates holders and encourage our students to actively participate at Student Mobility within the framework of international projects available at university as well as studying at overseas universities for a semester, as well as study at Master and Doctoral programs of Top-1000 universities.