

BioEcUz: Exchanging experience with Latvian scientists  

  University professors spent a week on probation at  Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technology as part of the BioEcUz project funded by the Erasmus Plus Foundation. The Rector of the University, Professor Irina Pilvere first acquainted the participants with the activities of the university. After the congratulatory speech of the rector on the first day of training, lecturers from the university Dean Popluga and associate professor from the Bukhara State University Makhmud Aripov made presentations. Each specialist then discussed the structure and content of the subject with a science teacher in their field. In particular, bioeconomic policy, bioeconomic analysis, production of bioproducts, bioenergy, forestry, scientific research methodology were analyzed. The next day, the delegation visited the Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia. As hosts, Edgars Kronbergs, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, and Edwards Ratnieks, Adviser to the Minister of Agriculture, welcomed the professors and began their opening speech with the presentation "Importance of Bioeconomic Strategy". the delegation of our university visited many enterprises and farms.


  In particular, they visited Ziedi JP diversified farm near Jelgava. Ziedi JP  raises 1500 dairy cows for biogas production. The area is 4000 hectares. Rapeseed, wheat, corn and other crops are grown here for fodder. Their biogas plant produces 45 MW of electricity per day. In a biogas plant, the recycled waste is used as fertilizer. The excess heat generated by the engine is used to heat water for the fish farm on the farm. Daily milk production is 50 tons. In total, the company employs 85 employees; members of the delegation visited 15 companies during the week. The audience received a lot of scientific news and was awarded a certificate of participation from the general coordinator of the project, associate professor Irina Kulitane.


   Press Serviceof University