

The attention to the Decree completion

It is important to suggest that associate professors of "Melioration and melioration" department Mamataliev Adkham Boymirzaevich, Botirov Shavkat Chorievich and assistant of the department Yulchiev Davronbek Gulamovich held a spiritual and educational event on the topic "Decision and implementation" in students dormitory. The event aimed the completion of tasks and changes to be implemented in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dated December 10, 2021 “On measures to fundamentally improve the system for training engineers for an economy based on innovation and digitalization” N PD-42. In recent years, the efficient use of limited water resources, the recovery of agricultural land biofuels, the reuse of saline and eroded areas, the conservation of ecosystem biodiversity, the effective transfer of education, research and development in important areas such as "green energy" and agricultural technologies are required.

. To solve these pressing global challenges, priority is given to investment and research, increasing scientific potential through the widespread introduction of digital technologies, and training engineers who are able to implement developments in practice. Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this decision was an important event in the history of “Tashkent Research Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University. The event was very supportive, where all participants could get answers to their questions from specialists.

                                                                         Press Service of "TIIAME" National Research University