Amir Temur and the Great Silk Road
It is important to suggest that on April 5, 2022 at Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov with the participation of head of “Humanities” Department of National Research University "TIIAME", Professor Ulzhaeva Sh.M., there was organized a spiritual and educational event. At the event, the Vice-Rector for Spiritual and Educational Work and Youth Affairs M. Atamuratov, Professor Zh. Rakhimov, students of the Republican College of Music and Arts, Head of “History of Uzbekistan” Department Professor Kholikova R. made a presentation at this meeting.
At this meeting, Professor Ulzhaeva Sh.M. made a report on the topic “The Great Silk Road in the era of Amir Temur and the Temurids”. Amir Temur, building his state on the site of the ruins left by the Mongols, set as his main goal the restoration and development of the Great Silk Road, along which life was in full swing in former times. Even the choice of ancient Samarkand, which has been the central point of the caravan route for a long time, as the capital of the state he created, provided, first of all, the development of trade, the restoration of former positions of the city. The issue of the development of the Great Silk Road was not easy for Amir Temu
He faced the task of completely restoring the city, which had become a dead city in the time of the Mongols, to give life to the Great Silk Road. During the times of Amir Temur and the Timurids, the Great Silk Road played an important transit role, an important bridge in establishing cultural and scientific ties between cities and states. The event made a great impression on the participants.
Press service of NRU "TIIAME".