

The advantages of handicraft

    On June 17, 2022, the university psychologist Mukhamedova M.with the aim of preparing girls for marriage, as well as meaningful organization of leisure time and to provide information about the specifics of learning a profession, held an event on the theme "Diligent profession, earning for a living apart from the profession." It was noted that any work of art can have a positive effect on human psychology: mood, calm the nervous system, improve brain function, increase self-esteem and confidence.


The participants of the event were told that the study of science and profession is one of the most important things for a person, to understand the essence of everything, to be able to analyze the pros and cons of world events, to understand, to organize the well-being of the family, in short, to achieve all-round perfection, science and profession . The students were shown the art of scrapbooking at the event, this time with examples of jewelry art, and were told that a master class on this art would be organized for motivating students. During the event the participants could  enjoy from the time spent on handicfafts.

Press Service of the University