

About the conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary and bright memory of Doctor of Economics, Professor Uktam Pardaevich Umurzakov

    It is important to inform that on August 23-24, 2022 at "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" National Research University there was given a start to the  international scientific conference «Construction Mechanics, Hydraulics and Hydraulic Engineering – CONMECHYDRO 2022» ( dedicated to the 70th anniversary and bright memory of the late Chairman of the consortium of Central Asia and the South Caucasus agricultural universities, member of the Rectors Council of the CIS countries leading agrarian universities,  Chairman of Uzbekistan’s Higher Education Council, Rector of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation Engineers and Mechanization of Agriculture, Doctor of Economics, Professor Uktam Pardaevich Umurzakov.

   The aim of the conference is the modernization and innovative development of agriculture and water management, hydropower and construction, the preservation of the continuity of scientific schools in these industries, the formation of a new level of training of professional cadres, the development of international cooperation, as well as bringing together the knowledge and interests of researchers, experts, professor-teachers and the widest range of interested professional community representatives of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other countries on the way of improving the spheres as education and science.

    Within the framework of the conference, open and meaningful discussions, planned on issues of theory and practice in the field of physics, construction materials, reliability and safety of construction, engineering and smart systems in construction, modeling and mechanics of building structures, management in construction, hydraulic engineering and melioration, mechanization, electrification agriculture and renewable energy. New ideas and approaches to solving problems existing in these areas of science and technology are being proposed.

    There were accepted nearly 200 scientific articles in 15 areas to the conference. These scientific articles were submitted by the scientists from Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Japan, South Korea, China, Turkey, Russia, Germany, Austria, France, Poland, Lithuania, India and United States of America.

    On the first day of the international conference, on August 23, 2022, during the plenary session, there were given the floors to the Nobel laureate Rick Lemans and authors of scientific presentations, on the second day, on August 24, 2022, there will be organized the discussions of  presentations, including 5 sections on the accepted scientific articles to the conference.

                                                                            Press Service of “TIIAME”

                                                   National Research University