History of University
Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers was established as the faculty of Melioration Engineering of the Department of Hydrotechnics from the faculty of Technics in Turkistan State University in 1923. 24 agronomist and 16 engineers of hydromelioration firstly graduated from the institute in 1923.
Having founded the faculties of Construction of Mechanics and Water Resources on the base of the faculty of Melioration Engineering, the Institute of polytechnics and irrigation of cotton-growing was established. Demand of the Republic for the professionals of agriculture and water resources was met by the foundation of the Institute. Meanwhile, the organization of land and water reforms and the further development of irrigation and agriculture in Central Asia required an integral technical educational mechanization. The names of Central Asian Institute of Irrigation Engineers and Technicians and Central Asian Institute of Agricultural Irrigation and Mechanization Engineers were joined and changed to The Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Machanization Engineers from November 11, 1934.
After the Great War, there was noticed advancement in the agricultural economics of the country and new branches were opened. The foundations of the faculties of Land Construction (1945), Mechanization of Hydromelioration Works (1946), Hydroenergetic Construction (1946), Organizing and technology of repairing agricultural machines (1974), General Engineering (1979) were all directly associated with the economical –social development of Uzbekistan. In the era of Independence, partnership for exchanging educational-scientific experiences with the universities of developed countries was enhanced. Uzbek versions of textbooks used during the lessons in the Institute were made, the opportunities for studying at foreign higher educational establishments were created. In addition, more than 20 students from the specialties of Agriculture and Water Resources were awarded with the State Scholarships titled “Navoi”, ‘Beruni’ and The Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The title of the institute was renamed as Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration according to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on March 30, 2004. To train highly qualified professionals for agriculture and water management of the Republic is very actual issue. There are 18 courses, 15 Master’s Degree courses, 7 faculties and more than 4860 students in our institute. They are taught by 353 skilled professors and teachers from 30 departments, including 31 PHDs and professors, 157 candidates and associate professors. The institute owns 4 modern educational and 3 lab buildings, research centres, information resource center with 700,000 places, 3 dormitories for 1,200 people, students’ canteen with 460 places and a park. The staff of the institute is focused on training highly qualified professionals in the condition of market economy based on the Law on Education and the National Program for training professionals. Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration was retitled as Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers according to the Presidential Decree №3003 on May 24, 2017.